After months of working of working on terrian, buildings, NPC's etc, I am finally to creating a couple of quests and being done with a mod, however, I have a problem I can't figure out. When I try to add a info to a topic the CS crashes. I go to quests, then the topics tab, create a new topic or select an exixting topic and then try to add a info (response) by right click/add. Every time I do that I get the old CS has stopped working, click here to close error.
More info:
This is my first quest creation and I have been using the wonderful Oblivion Modding For Beginners tutorial and am on lesson six: dialogue, which is found I also confirmed the process on the page - Category:Editing Dialogue found As I said above I originally creaded a new quest the a new topic under the topics tab. Then I right clicked in the info section and had a chice of add, copy, delete, or move to quest and selected 'add' at hich time the CS crashed.
I have tried with a new topic several times, with a vanilla quest, with another persons modded quest. I have tried everything I can think of including unistalling/reinstalling the CS, rebooting and crossing my fingers. But, no matter what is loaded in the CS (vanilla or any modd), I can right click and copy, delete or move to quest with no problem but if I right click and select 'add' it crashes.
I started this last Thanksgiving, have a few hundred hours into it, have figured everthing else out from all the tutorials and searching the forums, but this has me completely stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated.