I cannot believe the price of SKYRIM:SE

Post » Sun Oct 30, 2016 3:37 am

I was already to jump into a game I'd already sunk 100+ hrs into on the Xbox360.....

But then I saw the price! ......... £49.99 ?!!!

Is this a joke? I mean the PC gamers get it free if they already own Skyrim - even if not it's still only what £30?

I personally think this is a pretty big 'screw you and just give us more money' to console fans who already own the game. I'm actually shocked Bethesda would do this.

Is this Bethesda or Sony and Microsoft, or all of them?

I mean seriously the price of a fully fledged next gen game... ??? Battlefield 1 is the same price!

This is greed if ever I saw it ...

I personally can't justify spending £50 on a game that has marginally better graphics than the game I played on the 360, and a lot of the same bugs...

I think Bethesda need to give us an apology for this and a deal for player who already bought the game.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sun Oct 30, 2016 5:19 am

Should've pre-ordered on Amazon mate, with their price guarantee I saved £16 and got it for £34.... Gotta love Amazon sometimes.

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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:16 am

Not only that it is one of the biggest disappointments in gaming for the last ten years in my opinion. The original game was amazing but I'm pretty sure the purpose of this project is to keep people in the job by giving the customer as little as possible and selling it as if it is something massive to gain as much money as possible as quickly as possible before people realise how garbage it is and then the price plummets by which point the cash is in the bank.

To be honest they have updated the graphics marginally and boy I mean marginally, I have literally played the Legendary and Special Edition one after the other for the last day and trust me there is little to know difference. It almost looks like the settings have been tweaked rather than a major graphical update. The character models look practically the same too. The ONLY improvement to the CORE GAME is a slight graphical update and they call it 'Special Edition'? Really??? We had that in the previous game. It was called the "High Resolution Texture Pack" which also wasn't very noticeable at all but at least it didn't cost this much.

And you can throw the whole "now mods are available on PS4 and Xbox One" thing out the window. That's like me saying "here's a patch of land that you can build a mansion on" and selling it for the price of a mansion. For the price they are charging players should be getting the gaming equivalent of a mansion not a patch of land that looks barely different than what they had in the first place. What about players who don't use mods like myself?

Not to mention the major issues which I have personally with the game being:-

1. You can't enable/disable dlcs - I'm not even going to go into the huge problems which this causes as everyone knows them by now but this was a feature in the last game that has been removed in the 'Special Edition'

2. I am unable to use my PS4 pad with the game - Once I start and save the buttons how I like and then restart the game the controls are completely broken meaning I need to delete the controller settings file every single time I play them game. Again this was fine in the regular game

It's theft, plain and simple. Todd Howard at his worst.

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Post » Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:51 pm

No, this isn't a joke, and I can give you a few good reasons

PC Gamers get it for free, simply because this isn't really much of an upgrade for us. Frankly, for the first few months it's rather inconvenient.

While Xbox and Playstation are going from 720p -> 1080p, PC's graphics are staying the same (we were already at 1080)

Xbox and Playstation are also receiving Modding Capabilities (Something PC ALREADY had a flourishing community based around)

And PC Gamers on average just have more playtime in the game due to the replayability our mods added.

So you are paying 50$ for a graphical upgrade, and modding compatibility, which can make the game infinitely better, or even make its engine into a whole new game (look up Enderal)

So in the end, having them force PC Gamers, who've already bought the game and all DLC again is just a waste of time since we are getting a few lighting changes, some small bug fixes, and some new bugs. Thats it. Our graphics were already better, and we already had mods.

So, while i do agree, that someone who already owns the game in the first place should be given some kind of discount, No, Bethesda doesn't need to give you an apology simply because you are unaware of exactly what you're paying for

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