Cannot log in or create account, want to check all my bases

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:31 am

Hey, I've read through the forums on both gamesas and steampowered and have tried every conceivably fix the "an error has occured. please check your network connectivity" error. I am posting here merely to get the opinion of those who have managed to fix the problem on their games, to see how I compare.

-I have turned off internet sharing
-I have opened all up all the options in the "inbound rules" area of advanced settings in my firewall. I've even tried with my firewall disabled
-I have uninstalled my virus program and installed the free microsoft virus program
-I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game

I think that covers what I have done to try to fix it, but I also have some questions that may help me along.

- I havent been able to make an account in the actual game, only on the gamesas site. Does the login I made in the gamesas work to log into multiplayer?
- I have to enter my game code provided through steam into the login page of Crysis 2 every time I enter the game (I read a post that tries to fix that, but it always disappears). I have tried without dashes, and with dashes (caps and no caps).

I have never ever been able to log into mutliplayer, but singleplayer does work fine. I hope this isnt repetitive, but I feel so uncertain about the process (how the login ID may or may not be valid / how to enter the key correctly) and the feedback the game gives me is vague at best, that I thought to check in with the community may be helpful.
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Ricky Meehan
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Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:42 pm

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