I thought I mentioned that in my first post. Glad you got it fixed.

i've been searching the forums for hours, and i finally found one similar to my problem.
i have been fiddling around with the cs interface for a few days, and its been working great, but sometime yesterday(and im not sure what i did)
i did something and now when i try edit my interior mod, it works just like normal in the cs, but when i load it in the launcher no changes that i make are apparent, and in some instances (more than not) a static wall piece that i fooled around with at one point is there sometimes when i load, and not other times.
but regaurdless of what i do, no changes that i make appear when i start to play. (like if i insert a object in the room and place it correctly and save it) and some objects sizes' are changed drasticly(which i didnt do).
some help would be incredible, i need it bad, idk what ive done to my game man...