Hi guys
I bought this game when it was released but was disappointed with the performance on my old rig. I've recently upgraded it somewhat (but it's still on old platform) and although I can now run the vanilla game on Ultra settings at 60fps I just can't get the HD textures to work. It always CTD on start of any game with the official HD textures installed.
My specs are:
Vista 32 bit OS (yeah I know...)
Q9550 oced @ 3.80 GHz
Radeon HD 7550 2GB
4GB RAM (max for 32 bit OS)
There are zero mods installed. This is a vanilla install of the original game, all three DLCs and the HD texture pack. Nothing more. I got through the opening sequence to where you exit the cave with all HD packs ticked OFF. That's where I am now where you split up from the other prisoner. If HD texture pack 01 is then ticked in the data files it instantly crashes after the menu loading screen. Nothing I do seems to get this pack to work. Am I stuck with lower level textures? And what about mods? What would the limit be of texture mods? Just don't bother with them?
I'm a bit disappointed if so because the game is running at Ultra (with AA off) at 60fps with no issues otherwise. With AA on 8x is does drop to around 20 fps. Other settings don't impact like AA does. Just wanna get some HD textures working.