I cannot use my E on some things or trade with follower! As you can see my E key works
I cannot use my E on some things or trade with follower! As you can see my E key works
Maybe you adjusted the keybinding.
Are you using any mods?
Yes I have mods installed but disabled them to see if it'd fix it and it didn't. I haven't adjusted the key bind because the button or item that I use has an animation when I press E, just doesn't do what it's supposed to.
For example when trying to activate the oculory, the buttons look like they're being pressed but nothing actually happens to the disks on the ceiling.
Try a new game and see if it works.
You might have a corrupted game save.
This particular example might be caused for a different reason. If this is the oculory in Mzulft you have to do something a little differently to get things moving, if this is the one in Mzark then you have to have placed something first in one station before buttons will work. Trying not to give away secrets.
Doing such thing doesn't work in Skyrim due to http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3676-skyrim-information-baked-into-saves/.
^This. And a simple check would be to go into your controls to see the key bindings and see what E is bound to, if it's to something other than Activate it needs to be put back.
Alright guys thanks for the help. Anyone know how to just remove all your mods without losing saves?