To me the presets for the first two fallout protaginists were base skillsets and nothing more. Frankly I can't even remember which ones I picked though I think I picked Narg in fallout 2.
What I do know is that in my canon they were both Caucasian Male.
For Fallout 3 my charcter was an African American male who chose to activate the purifier himself (even though Fawkes is standing right freaking there grr) and not add the FEV Virius (which I just realised is a redundent word like atm machine lol) and sided with Werner and the Slaves.
and in New Vegas my courier was an Asian Male (which I thought kinda fit the west coast), I sided with the NCR, helped evacuate Zion and spared Ulysses.
I haven't had a chance to play Tactics so I can't really give a valid opinion there.