» Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:24 pm
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Hi everyone!
We have noticed that some users are unable to download/use the DLC content in game after purchasing it. We are currently working on resolving this issue, but in the mean time here are some steps you can use to download the content outside of the game client.
1. Log into http://www.gamesas.com with the account you purchased the content on
2. Navigate to http://www.gamesas.com/store
3. In the window that appears, select Purchase History
4. You should see an entry for Crysis 2 Map Pack 1. Click on the link to dlcpack1.zip to download it
5. When the file has finished downloading you need to copy/move it into your user directory
· On Windows XP PCs this is My Documents\My Games\Crysis2\dlc
· On Windows Vista and later PCs this is Users\\Saved Games\Crysis2\dlc
(Do not attempt to unzip the file, the game client will unzip it for you)
6. When you next launch the game and log in the maps should be available in your server browser
- If you have been charged for the DLC content and it does not appear in the gamesas.com Purchase History then please contact customer support.
- If the window in Step 3 asks you to sign in, please ensure you are signed in at the top right of the page. If you are and it still asks you to sign in, please use the Support Form to contact us with your account details.
- gamesas Team