Cant get simple dialogue to work

Post » Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:13 pm

My first time with dialogues, so forgive my lack of knowledge in this topic.

I'm trying to add an NPC followers comments based on conditions , the similar way the vanilla ones are done (without initiating the dialogue).

What I have done so far is:

1) created new QUEST

2) new TOPIC in Misc tab of "Idle" subtype (copied it from vanilla "DialogueFollower" quest)

3) added 3 Topic Infos with different conditions:

- GetFactionRank (MyFaction) >= 3

- GetFactionRank (MyFaction) >= 2

- GetFactionRank (MyFaction) >= 1

4) flags left untouched

Then I'm changing actors FactionRanks up to 3 via script and obviously it doesnt work.

Couldnt find any documentation for Misc tabs topic subtypes with the exception of generic goodbye and hellos, but I saw that they are using Idle subtype in "DialogueFollower" quest for exactly the same kind of comments im trying to add myself.

Thanks in advance.

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