Cant hire a Bard at my homestead!

Post » Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:09 pm

Hi, so I am experiencing a known bug where my steward does not have the dialogue option to hire a Bard, because I purchased all the other options first. In an old thread, it was said that if I killed my horse or my cow, the dialogue option would return and I could then hire a Bard... this does not work for me.

Is there anything I can do, either with the console commands or otherwise, in order to make the steward function properly?

BTW, this is a pretty big glitch, Im suprised the unofficial patch hasnt fixed this >.>

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Post » Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:55 am

I am really sorry that I can't help. This is the first time I've heard of the above solution not working. I suppose you've already searched for mod help?

Edit: did a search and discovered that UFO can cause a steward glitch in HF. There is a work around, here is the link:

Don't know if you have UFO, but that was the best I could find.

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