im getting this error when trying to open hearthfire in the creation kit ''Asert"
File: C:\_Skyrim\Code|TESV\TES Shared\misc\BGSLocalizedString.cpp
Line: 2871
LOCALIZATION: Error opening or reading strings file
im trying to add a room to my lakeview manor but cant open it
does anyone know what i can do to fix this please
any help is much apprieciated thx
FIXED PROBLEM by adding a line in the skyrimeditor.ini file under [Archive]
just add this'' SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa, HearthFires.bsa ''
and under [General] add this ''bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1''