» Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:47 am
4Gb of ram for gaming it is absolute maximum, and more ram won't give you more performance [period]
RAM don't have anything to do with graphic card and ability to run it or not [period]
If you have 2gb of ram you can buy another 2gb BUT i don't think that it is a problem since not enough Ram will give you only crappy performance in game, and for sure not a black screen.
If anything it can be your power unit fault since you have off-brand PSU, basically you are running game with good graphic on PC which have a bit weak CPU, and you are running Win7 on 2gb of DDR2 so graphic card take everything on herself during game and use more and more power, when finally there is not enough power and BAM you get black screen.
PS. In matter of performance you need 4gb of ram (in total) to have decent performance, because Win7 use 1gb+/- of Ram, and second 1gb will use game + it will use some of ram from graphic card. One way or another your system will choke under pressure, so if you ahve 2gb of ram it could be good to get another 2gb.