what if they open the servers early?
what if they open the servers early?
If the servers open early, I'd expect you'd be looking at 30 minutes prior to the actual release time. So far Zenimax hasn't really opened up the servers earlier than the time they've stated. Earliest I've been able to get into any session prior the time. Is about 10 minutes.
They have opened the beta at Noon as opposed to the initially stated 6 PM.
same exact thing for me. i tried my darnest to sleep. wouldnt work. too many thoughts and too much excitement. ill be pulling an allnighter!
I slept all day today so I will be ready in the morning. Of course, this is not unusual because I am a night owl all the time.
Last night was hell. My dreams were literally tortured with an endless stream of theory crafting and abilities. I felt like I didn't sleep at all so today was rough but surely I can fall asleep tonight. Alarm set for 6am so I can eat a bit and down some cappuccino and be in my chair by 6:45. Hard to believe that release is almost upon us.
well, servers open here at 10pm...so I certainly will not sleep long.
Think of the consequences of not getting some rest...
Wait all night, make your toon, then fall asleep?
Now that doesn't sound like fun to me....
Rest, and be prepared for an ultimate first up experience and a decent amount of game time before needing your first after launch sleep....some 36 hours later
its not so bad. if the servers are crashing/game unplayable can always get some extra sleep in and come back a couple hours later
Just a note... last beta weekend, I logged in 2 hours early...
I'm currently debating whether to sleep tonight or not...
I haven't even decide on anything other than my character will be male and I need to go to bed in an hour to get up before 6am. Been reading and watching videos for the last 2 days since I been sick anyhow.
i will be honest with youhttp://www.gamesas.com/user/694667-senor-cinco/
yes this is truth, infact it did happen several times. which is why im expecting a posibility with this early access as well
off topic: i remember youhttp://www.gamesas.com/user/694667-senor-cinco/from bethesda forums when skyrim was releasing and allways took you for a non mmo adventurer. i must admit i have been quite surprised to witness you involved in not only elderscrolls online but also in tonights main event, and even very happy you will be joining us in elderscrolls online. i sure hope i do run into you ingame and get you on my friends list as i see you as a very wise man having seen your posts and inteligence now for several years.
Well, I had dreams about barren farm fields that kind of reminded me of Warcraft's Westfall region and mermaids that when dried out, their tail turned to legs like the mermaid in the movie Splash.
It could totally have been worse.
I don't.
And I'm *on* the west coast.
Slept til 1430 today and I'm ready to go. Woo.
Neither can I.
But I think that has more to do with me having the stomach flu than anything else...
Going to bed now for a 3:30am alarm.
Much better than staying up till midnight and crashing at 4am... I still get 6-7 hours sleep, and play ALL Sunday.
Indeed it was an i hope to see a midnight release because of that.
Your words are kind, my friend. I would be honored to be added to your list. My user is @SenorCinco... imagine that.
I have been following ESO for a year and have been fortunate enough to have been among the beta testers. In fact, I am getting a new guild concept in the making for a spin off from http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1485880-the-skyrim-dead-is-dead-thread-xiv/ threads. It's http://theesotericmedium.enjin.com/. I hope you will join and share your adventures with everyone.
I am also an interested supporter of using VOIP for RP and give my characters a voice.... just to get that out there for interested parties of shared interests.
Not true. Every time they opened the betas at noon, my emails said noon. Read your emails more carefully.
You must sleep... so you can be up all day tomorrow playing!
I planned ahead and slept until noon today.