Only Canadia and Australia don't have any unlimited internet services, from what I understand.
Incorrect. This household is on an unlimited ADSL2+ connection for $60/month. That particular plan is only available around exchanges which have the ISP's (TPG) hardware in it, but they also offer unlimited ADSL1 for $70, which is available on any exchanges. Some other providers have the option of unlimited, too, though its not widespread at present.
Most common are deals where you have a cap, after which your speed is throttled significantly, but you still have internet access.
(Lets try not to get too political here

) The current government has a plan (which is being carried out as we speak) to install optical fire everywhere that's practicable, and fill the remaining gaps with wireless and satellite. This, in my view and that of most experts, is a wonderful, forward thinking initiative that will more than pay for itself ever time. It will also have the benefit of allowing us to gloat at Americans of any country

. The point of this paragraph is to show that Australia isn't (or soon won't be) a backwater in regards to internet, and will, in fact, have a world-leading infrastructure within a decade or so :nod:.