Yeah why not. Enchanted cloaks also. Invisability has often been achieved by using cloaks in varios fantasy lore, maybe enchantments could replace the invisibility spells that people seem not to like.
I however like the invisibility spells. But yeah, thumbs up to cloaks.
Cloaks hopefuly should have a sipmple hood up/down option, along with different styles of cloaks (IE half-cloaks/full cloaks). Tabbards would have different coats of arms on them/colors, etc.
I think cloaks are a great option for us to use in the game. It will let use customize our characters more and there are many mods for Oblivion to add cloaks so we know there are a demand for them.
A big fur cloak will be needed for my Nord warrior, so yes. I just want to be able to step over the broken bodies of my defeated enemies with my cloak flowing behind me. A simple request really.
Cloaks yes, but the ability to have helms under them would be nice. Anybody ever see the old disney movie "The Black Cauldren"? The Horned King is a perfect example of this. (as in horns poking through the cloak)
I don't care and wouldn't mind if they added them. Personally I wouldn't wear them. (Capes) They remind me of a four year old running around the house with a towel tied around his neck. Cloaks , heck yeah I'd use one.