see i dont think it is, no big RPG series have it its not something that fits the Genre, FF, mass effect, TES,etc... non of them have it Fable is hardly and rpg anymore and two worlds was a joke so yeah....
Final Fantasy has an online game.
Mass Effect has been rumored to have online for a year now.
If Bioware comes out with a game like that, especially ME3 and it has co-op or multiplay 11 days before ES.
Well then expect lackluster sales for TES.
This is 2010. I understand the die hard fans and the older generation's feelings towards multiplayer experiences but hey, like I said its 2010.
My uncle who is now 45 has played 1 game franchise. The Elder Scrolls Series. I BS you not. And you know what he says to me when I tell him about Skyrim? "Are you finally going to be able to play it with me Dan?"