I too would love to see some Capes/Cloaks and the Emblem idea is awsome too +1 for that. However when it comes to being able to Dye your Armor different colours, i believe there may be a slight issue.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for being able to Dye your armor different colours, But i believe the way they have there crafting system now works as following : Craft white named gear = Standard colour - Upgrade to green named gear = Changes colours slightly - Upgrade to blue named gear = Changes look and colour again ( I think? ) at so on an so forth, And that is only with the standard/starting gear made with Iron and other Standard crafting materials.
When you start crafting Say "Steel" Armor it again starts off as a White named piece of gear, How ever it's standard armor is increased and it's look is also different ( Bigger/Bulkier all in all Cooler looking ) - Then again you would upgrade it to a green name - and You betcha it would change colours and look slightly again, and again.
So the idea may be possible, but i personally think at this point and time it wouldn't happen, But if it did ( And i hope it does ) I would imagine it being something along the lines of having 2 or 3 different colours in each piece of armor, so you would therfor then have to Dye one part ( lets say Main colour 1 ) 1 Colour, and then the second part ( Alt colour 1 ) Another Colour, So you would end up having stuff like Black armor with Yellow trimming and maybe if you have a third dye you would have some Red ( Or which ever colour of your choice instead ) Filling in the blanks under ( Alt Colour 2 ).
I would imagine it work ALONG Those lines, If it even happens.
But yes, they need to atleast bring in Cloaks + Emblems ( Guild/Title/Alliance/Race Emblems ) - They could even sell these in their Cosmetic In Game Store. So i can see this happening. Again Dye could be sold in the store too, but it's a matter of figuring out how to fit it all in with it's current armor changing system.