Capital Wasteland. Further north, there are trees and everything! lol.
Somewhere like the Republic Of Dave would do me. The Mojave is too... damn hot. Living there would make you wish for a nuclear winter etc. Now that the Enclave and supermutants are gone, and the Brotherhood are overseeing fresh water, it should be back up and running in no time. Plus I can always take a boat trip to point lookout if I needed a vacation

As for the Mojave being more civilised? is it? really? You walk through Freeside and various scum jump out and shoot you. Kids run around trying to catch a rat because they are starving, while NCR blow thousands of caps in the casinos. Horrible place. Imagine trying to farm crops out by Nelson, scratching in the dust. No thanks.
(No offence to anyone who lives in the real Mojave, I'm sure you manage just fine and it is a lovely place! But in the game...)