Basically, I was just curious to see what if anything funny, unusual or easter-eggish Bethesda did when they created their Wasteland world on top of an imaginary 2077 D.C. area.
For example, looking at Google Earth some things I note.
1. CIA headquarters seems to be unrepresented in the Capital Wasteland? Am I wrong, or is the Super Duper Mart just about where the CIA HQ is in RL?
2. Does Megaton correspond roughly to McLean VA?
3. Am I wrong that they took some liberties with the geography of the Potomac south and east of Jefferson Memorial? In RL, that island seems to extend a long ways southeast of Jeff Mem but in Wasteland it ends at Jeff Mem.
4. Annandale, Fairfax, Bethesda ("Ruins"), Arlington, all seem to be _roughly_ where they are in RL, though the scaling of distances seems to have been adjusted here and there. I cannot find Germantown in RL though. Is that an actual RL town?
Would love to see a google Earth map of RL D.C. area but with some of the Fallout 3 locations overlain. That would be a hoot