NV CapitalWastelandBorderRegion?

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:08 pm

So, we all know the trick where you set the exterior emmitance of an object to CapitolWastelandBorderRegion in Fallout 3, and it changes color with the time of day. Well, that doesn't work so well in New Vegas. It's great until about 10am, at which point it slowly fades to solid black until noon, then INSTANTLY snapes to near solid white, then fades back to the appropriate color over the next 3-4 hours. So from like 4pm to 10am it's fine, but in between it's really messed up.

My guess is because this is not properly calibrated in New Vegas, and isn't used. Can someone tell me what the NV equivalent is? Is there some other region that gives me the same effect? I tried NewVegasRegion, but that's the same color from like 6am to 8pm, and during the night is still very bright. This can't be it. NVInteriorRegion, which is what I saw alot of the vanilla cell's things set too, is solid black at night. There has to be a regular, good looking one... Can anyone help?

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Laura Elizabeth
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