I'd like to see these statistics, if anyone would dare post such.
Simply give the highest amount of caps you have gained legitimately, along with the highest amount of ammunition (Don't forget to give the type) you have gained legitimately. We'd all really appreciate it as well that you provide some logic into this, by explaining how that came to be. We can all discuss the highest amount of these items we have gained, along with our methods as well

So the highest amount I have gained in caps is 22578, which coincidentally is the amount I currently have on my most recent saved game. I have 425 .308 Caliber Rounds, 1356 .32 Caliber Rounds, 599 .44 Magnum Rounds, 4071 10mm Rounds, 3745 5.56mm Rounds, 9099 5mm Rounds, 142 Alien Power Cells, 67 BBs, 1759 Darts, 4875 Electron Charge Packs, 6124 Energy Cells, 4626 Flamer Fuel, 106 Mesmetron Power Cells, 1791 Microfusion Cells, 10 Mini Nukes (I waste them), 375 Missiles, 665 Railway Spikes, and 1872 Shotgun Shells. In my Megaton House's Nuka Cola Machine, I have possession of over 100 Ice Cold Nuka Colas. How is that for a stockpile?
On this saved game, I already am at level 30 with good karma. So I don't just go around randomly killing and stealing. I conversed with Uncle Roe in Canterbury Commons and helped invest in the traveling caravaners. So now they have the appropriate amount of money on a daily basis to purchase the items I sell to them. I will usually just raid Enclave Camps, of course taking little to no damage / condition damage to my items thanks to my amazing sneak skill and items/perks contributing to such (Along with good weapons of course). I'll then use my repair skill of 100 to repair usually their armor (Most of which is Hellfire Power Armor) and weapons (Most of which is Plasma Rifles) to near full condition. I then proceed to sell the items to the caravaners that they can afford, then repeat this cycle or go wandering and killing hostiles out in the open wasteland to ultimately attempt to sell my items to them. I started to stockpile these items and ammunition of certain types through the wandering and killing of hostiles along with the attacking of Enclave Camps, only to not be able to sell all my wares to those whom I intended to sell them to. So now I have a house filled with items of all variates, and I have a considerable amount of ammunition no doubt. I also tend to stick to one set of weapons of a certain ammunition type, so I ultimately stockpile certain kinds of ammo after a while, then I'll start using something else and I'll start burning through that while I begin building in supplies of the formally used ammunition type. I managed to get a-hold of approximately 350 Stimpacks through, first, trading of technology (Especially some alien power cells & an alien blaster which I didn't use and had a considerable amount of ammo for, stuff I could excuse as used for the time being) to the Brotherhood Outcast over at Fort Independence. That moved me from 20 Stimpacks to 150 - 250, and from there on I became dependent on stealth and quick action using V.A.T.S. Thus I managed to save Stimpacks through not having to heal myself as often. Thus the massive stockpile of Stimpacks began. I never really used Nuka Colas, and thus I moved them to my Nuka Cola Machine inside my house once I purchased one (They formally were kept in the refrigerator). I wasted about 10 mini nukes before I took this tally. Used them on Enclave Camps for the fun of it. Long before I started to truly rake in caps on that saved game.
But then perhaps if I wiped out an entire Enclave Camp using one Mini Nuke, collected the spoils and after repairing what I could sold them, maybe I could make enough money to purchase more Mini Nukes where they are sold & pay for repairs to my individual stuff if needed? A near perfect condition Plasma Rifle which I can repair a couple that I can find at those camps to can be sold for about 1500 - 1700 caps, which then can be used to purchase more Mini Nukes. We could also sell the repaired armor from the Enclave Soldiers.
So, lets begin tallying our totals, and discussing how we came to make that much in the count. We also need to discuss some ideas into increasing our Fallout 3 wealth of ours that might pop up as we consider all this while creating our post.