Seen a lot of comments on the way Fallout 3 differs from Fallout 4 when it comes to collecting caps.
The old system was based off of, Exploring new places, filling up on gear returning to a random shop and selling all for caps ( minus what was needed for repairs )
I found this to be real repetitive and also it took away a lot of the time I could be gaining EXP.
The new systems starts off the same by exploring and filling up on gear but the gear itself is wroth almost nothing.
But here is the beauty in the new system everything can be used to create more useful and valuable items.
For example, Jet is wroth 50 caps weighs almost nothing and is crafted using 2 of the most commonly found items in the game, and as a bonus, crafting the item nets 3 EXP per jet.
There are so many different items to Craft I cant mention them all just explore the chem table and find what works best for you.
Dont sell adhesive!!!
its easy to farm but not wroth the caps compared to how often you will use it.