Hey guys,
There have been some excellent submissions so far. Having a great laugh at many of them

Keep them coming!
To answer a few questions:
- Image size doesn't matter but try to keep them reasonable. For the winner images, we'll post whatever is posted by the author, so keep that in mind when deciding dimensions. We can't resize the images (without quality loss).
- The board attachment quota has been upped, so try again with the attachments

- There's no issue with using photoshop, many use it but bear in mind that the image still needs to resemble Crysis 2.
- You can use our images, an image you've taken yourself or from the internet; it just has to be from Crysis 2.
- For taking screenshots in-game, most people find the print screen function works, if not, FRAPS is the next best alternative. You could also try the screenshot function in Steam overlay. There's other ones like XFire too.