I must admit, I don't know much about Elder Scroll lore. Just some that I have picked up from Oblivion and Skyrim. But it is starting to interest me more and more, and I'm always willing to learn.
Anyway, about soul gems. From what I have figured out, you capture the souls of the beings you slay, with a enchant, or magic spell. Correct me if I'm wrong.
So my question is, or maybe not a question more of an observation. Why is it not considered evil to do this? Sure, animals might not matter as much, but to capture the soul of a human? Denying her right
to enter Sovngarde?
In Skyrim, to capture souls seems very accepted. It's just how you do enchants. But from I gather it seems to be a very evil practice. Something a demon, or a necromancer does.
What do you all think? I would like to hear some RP complications about this as well, if you play a good character / paladin?