» Fri May 27, 2011 1:24 pm
Despite loving Morrowind way more than Oblivion, i can't say anything bad about Shivering Isles (wich was great, the opening sequence alone (black butterflies ftw!) was incredible). So, i guess, what everyone longs for is unique content. I didn't play ether Arena or Daggerfall for long, but in my opinion the immersion and depth in these games is based solely on imagination. By todays standards [censored] graphics, no real voice acting, in Arena not even rooftops (because the game only featured cubic buildings). The story is what makes this games great (and by story i mean the story in each players head, completing over 9000 quests for different people and so forth). Morrowind could be considered the first "modern" Elder Scrolls game (Ok, possibly Redguard, but that never got much credit and was not well recieved by many people), and in its Role of being the first "full size" modern Elder Scrolls game, it sets the mark for all following releases, until the next revolution in electronic gaming comes. Point is: Morrowind with it's unique design, rich culture and well written story (not only the mainquest, the WHOLE story) took a lot off the shoulders of the players. You weren't forced to believe that that strange block in the middle of nowhere was an actual castle or pub or anything anymore, you could actually see it ingame. So all got "Wow!" over the rich imagination of the developers. Therein lies the magic of Morrowind. Then TES IV came out, and everyone just saw Lord of the Rings and thought "Well... haven't we seen that before?", and the magic was gone. Shivering isles plays in a completely different league, at least in my humble opinion, because ist features mostly if not only TES-Original Content. That was just awesome, and i hope that Bethesda pulls it off again with Skyrim.
I don't want to start that old "MW vs. OB" thingy thing, i'm just saying you can't view a sequel as if there where no prequels, at least, if you know of them. No one would judge about the new Star Trek film without looking at the previous movies, amirite? And there are always different opinions on every topic.