Second point to clear up any confusion: I acknowledge the fact that Voryn actually has three eyes and looks like a Heartwight. For this painting I'm going with the idea that was presented in the Great House Dagoth mod: After mastering the affects of corprus and divine power, the player character is able to control whether or not he or she looks like an Ash Vampire or their mortal selves. If the Tribunal and the player-character can control their appearance, then Dagoth Ur and the Heartwights certainly could if they ever felt the motivation to do so. For this painting, both Voryn and Aeronwen have assumed their elven appearances (yes, Aeronwen is a "ash vampire" in this scene.)
With that out of the way...

Anyone who read the Muffinwind section of my fan-fiction knows that I threw some of my own parodies in there as well, including a reference to the Addams Family. One scene in particular was so much fun to write and flowed so naturally with the characters, that I felt inspired to create an illustration of it.
Just as Gomez became filled with passion anytime Morticia spoke French, Voryn would become consumed with desire when Aeronwen spoke "Breton". She would only need to say a few phrases before Voryn would sweep up behind her, take her in his arms and breathe "Cara Mia" before kissing her passionately.
Dagoth Gilvoth: "Oh, for crying out loud! Take it upstairs, would ya?!"
This soon became one of the playful ways that they express their affection for each other.
Since the French language doesn't exist in the Elder Scrolls universe, I went with Breton because, at least in my opinion, the Breton race seems to closely resemble the French. Also, since Aeronwen's grandmother and father spent a great deal of time in Wayrest, they would have learned the language and taught some of it it Aeronwen.
Taking a little more creative license, I mentioned in the fic that "Cara Mia" was Chimer for "My Beloved".