Caravan Guard - Ensuring the Courier does not stray?

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:26 am

I'm trying to make a quest that involves the Courier escorting a caravan from one point to another. As part of that quest, the Courier needs to stay within a certain distance so that he can do his/her job (protecting from random Raider encounters). I don't want to allow any loopholes where a player, say, fast travels to the destination and hits T, waiting for the caravan to arrive (or just goes off to something else, letting the caravan go its merry way all by its lonesome).

Is there a way to script this - to ensure that the Courier stays within a certain radius of the caravan for an unspecified amount of time as they make the trip? If the Courier strays too far, I want to fire a pop-up message ("You are too far away from the Caravan") and ultimately fail the quest if the player decides not to close the distance.


Nevermind. Found the GetDistance function. Now I just need to find a way to stop the player from pulling a quick fast travel and wait.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:00 am

In the script :
EnableFastTravel 0 - Disable the fast travel
EnableFastTravel 1 - re-enable fast travel
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Steve Smith
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