Very true, and im not disputing that in any way.
The point i was making though, was that of course you're gonna have more bad experiences with humans then with animals, unless you lived in the middle of the rainforest in an unknown tribe or something along those lines, just because in cities and whatnot, there are more humans around then wild animals (and the ones that are wild, are usually stray cats and dogs, animals that dont hunt humans anyway).
Most of us who live in cities, probably have had many more bad experiences with humans then with animals. But if you're undiscovered tribe number 47 in the rainforest or jungle or whatever, then they probably have more bad experiences with animals then with other humans over the course of an average lifetime.
My stance on it, is that humans and animals are the same, both lives and souls that shouldnt be taken lightly. The compassion should be shared for both, at least in my opinion. I love animals too, and almost every pet ive met, loves me as well (even in cases where it's someone's pet who doesnt like strangers), i just have some sort of affinity with animals (domesticated ones anyway, i dont think a polar bear is going to share this affinity with me) that i usually get along with them right away - but i also have compassion for other humans as well, and if i was in a survival situation (my plane crashed or whatever) i would kill and eat an animal before doing it to a human.