Carnage - Applies to Bows or Not?!?

Post » Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:21 pm

So in the AMA reddit they stated that Carnage should be applied to bows as well as melee (below). However the patch notes, and any other sources I have seen do not show that that is going to be the case. I wonder if zoz_konk misunderstood the question, or if it will in fact apply to bow *Gosh I Hope So* :P.

Is there a reasoning that the Khajiit passive Carnage doesn’t work with Bow/Ranged attacks?

That’s a bug. Whoops! I thought we fixed it already. I’ll check to make sure that’s fixed today! Should be good to go for launch.


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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:34 pm

i just read that they changed the kajhiit racials carnage. don't have details.

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Kit Marsden
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