Carriage System Explanation?

Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:00 am

Can someone please explain to me how the carriage system scripts actually work, including the BYOH(hearthfire) carriages?

(Note: I also have the unofficial hearthfire and skyrim mods loaded in the creation kit and in game)

The regular (non-hearthfire) carriages seem to be calling this function in CarriageSystemScript, which does not appear to do enough work to actually fast travel the player.

function Travel(int iDestination = -1, Actor pDriver); 	debug.trace(self + " Travel to " + iDestination)	currentDestination = iDestination	currentDriver = pDriver	; try two ways for testing:	if bWaitForPlayerToSit 		; just start watching for player to sit		PlayerRider.ForceRefTo(pDriver.GetLinkedRef(LinkCarriageSeat))		currentDriver.SetActorValue("variable01", 3) ; to allow "waiting" pvssyr		; if player is sitting already, let's go		ObjectReference sitMarker = pDriver.GetLinkedRef(LinkCarriageSeat)		; we can only check if furniture is in use, not who's sitting in it		if sitMarker.IsFurnitureInUse()			PlayerRider.Clear()			PlayerIsSitting()		endif	else		if currentDestination >= 1 && currentDestination <= 5			GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold, CarriageCost.value as int)		else			GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold, CarriageCostSmall.value as int)		endif		; get player to sit in marker		ObjectReference sitMarker = pDriver.GetLinkedRef(LinkCarriageSeat)		sitMarker.Activate(Game.GetPlayer())		RegisterForSingleUpdate(1)	endifendFunction

In addition, the BYOH(hearthfire) carriages don't appear to call any script at all in their dialogue!

I can't find anything about the carts themselves that would make it work, so am very confused overall.

I am running into this as I want to make a simple mod to have all the carriages travel to your various houses(that already have a carriage driver built). I've had no problems with the dialogue, but don't know what to do to make the travel actually work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, though please don't just do it for me. I want to learn myself after all! Pointers in the right direction would be best.

Note: I have done all the scripting tutorials, and am a pretty experienced programmer, so i'm guessing that I am missing something.

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Jaylene Brower
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