Carriage travel in Skyrim. Bethesda's unforgivable laziness.

Post » Fri May 16, 2014 8:43 am

Yet another complaint.

Carriage travel in Skyrim was a total failure. What is the point of having a carriage if you simply fast travel? You honestly expect me to believe that in a world where dragons fly around killing people, you can get to any city without trouble?

Ordinary fast travel is fine. As you are choosing to cheat, but the carriage system was just a waste of time with the way they designed it.

You should be able to experience going to other cities.

May as well have added a bloody teleporter.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 1:27 am

I like it precisely because it's fast travel, immersive edition. Because I'm a casual and sometimes I just want to get to the other side of the map quickly, but normal fast travel feels too cheesy when I'm not playing a teleporting wizard. But I expect a lot of people to agree with you, the way they've been going on and on about cut content and Scenic Carriages. I guess if I didn't care about fast travel at all, or if I freely used the normal mode, I'd feel this way too.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 3:22 am

I think you should only use your feet to travel around.

But to your complain, I sort of agree, maybe a challenge now and again with highwaymen

or something, would make it a risk. A risk worth taking.

I never use fast travel/carriages, but I would love the idea of going from Whiterun to Markath in a wagon, might give you some problems.

No more dragons though, but maybe Bandit Marouders or something challenging.

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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 12:53 am

Not everyone wants to spend excessive amounts of time having to walk to every city on every character. The way you put it makes it seem like not only a 1 time ordeal, but every time you want to even go to the city. Because if you can just fast travel every time after, what's the point in forcing the player to walk the first time? That would be just a troll move. It's for convenience sake. And like Rosveen said, it's immersive fast travel, and is only limited to Major Cities.

I don't see why it's a big deal. It's not worth complaining about. Why is it unforgivable? How does it affect you? It's a Single Player game. You're the only one playing in your world. If you don't like it, don't use it, then it's technically not even there.

These threads are getting ridiculous.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 2:27 pm

This was another feature that was cut from the game. It was probably cut due to 11/11/11, console performance concerns or potentially both. There are mods for the PC that attempt to restore this; if you happen to own that version of the game.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 8:59 am

You know, it's not realistic to be able to instantly be able to travel from Riften to Markarth with Fast Travel. At least people who want to not use Fast Travel have an option to use carriages and not take an hour to get to different cities in order to do sidequests, etc.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 12:19 pm

This is not like your parents making you eat your vegetables, if you don't like it, ignore it.
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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 7:00 am

I wasn't suggesting that they should get rid of carriages, merely make them actually travel rather than teleport to another point on the map. And what about the people who do not like to fast travel?

Ordinary fast traveling is not forced into your face; it takes absolutely no appearance in your game outside of the map and quest menus. Carriages, however, do. No NPC would be able to teleport to another place on the map (apart from your follower), that would be absurd right? So why should you?

Ordinary fast travel is an encouraged game cheat that most of us have used, and it's one of the few that can generally be endorsed. Some, however, do not want to fast travel.

  • It's worth complaining about because it makes the game inconsistent. The main point of Skyrim is to throw you into a world where there are dragons, a war is raging, and very few are safe.
  • It affects me because whilst attempting to play with realism. I have to see them outside of every city. I would use them if they made sense.
  • You're wrong, it is technically there, you're suggesting that I should pretend it's not, that's different.

So don't click on them. It's not that difficult. Nobody's forcing you to view these threads. It's not like the title is misleading (for this one, at least).

*Edited a few times for either better wording or corrected grammar.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 3:45 am

Well, describing fast travel as 'teleporting' is just inaccurate, you skip playing the journey, sure, but your character has still *made* the journey, because time passes. Teleportation is generally instant, yes?

I agree that it's unrealistic that you never get attacked during fast travel/carriage rides, although I presume it would be somewhat tricky to have there be a chance of being interrupted mid-journey and find yourself loading somewhere along the road rather than in the city/etc to which you wanted to fast travel/take the carriage, and potentially have the carriage just sitting there as well. Perhaps there could be a certain chance of arriving with extra loot/severely damaged health/small (perhaps level dependent) chance of dying on the way, to simulate having had a fight.

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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 1:17 am

Isn't one of the unofficial-official Mods a Realistic Carriages?

Yep, Real Carriages, so if you're on PC that should at least solve that problem :)

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 12:05 pm

I admit, I had not considered that.

I would actually love that.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 1:49 pm

I like the way they executed carriages. The only thing i would suggest, is that the carriage starts to move and then fades to black, but it's not a big issue. Having encounters such as random highwaymen confront you would get really tedious after a while, especially when you're in the middle of a quest.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 2:29 pm

I'm an Xbox gamer.

But thanks.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 8:47 am

Of course, this can itself be used as an exploit, if one is looking to sell a lot of stuff, in that you can travel merrily from city to city until you've sold everything/exhausted all the merchants' gold, but then the same can be done with waiting 48 hours or the save/punch/reload glitch thing.

But then, I tend to not really care if other people are using exploits, so long as I can play my game happily enough without doing, and given the ridiculous ease of making vast amounts of money in Skyrim (I have bought multiple houses on playthroughs where I only use one follower and Character Creation Overhaul which greatly reduces carry weight among other things) I haven't really felt any great need to bother with exploits in order to do so (although I have once "swindled" Falk Firebeard into giving me a free house using the cunning "stash all your gold in that cupboard next to him" method, but then I was playing an evil-ish vampire who only wanted the house as a front to maintain respectability, and keep her rather demanding wife happy, so I didn't feel it was particularly out of character.)

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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 2:41 am

I do not disapprove of the 48 hour wait thing myself, as I do not consider it to be an exploit, although it's boring... VERY boring.

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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 10:41 pm

I don't mind the waiting thing, I suppose, but I think one ought to at least go and sleep in an inn, have some food, etc, rather than just standing outside Belethor's front door for 48 hours, or whatnot, to me that's far more unrealistic than a good carriage being able to get past most hairy situations (okay, probably couldn't outrun a dragon, although if I sprint, I can, so maybe...) But like I say, I only worry about whether I do that or not, not other people.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 12:50 am

I like this idea.

As for the carriage system, it's really okay for the most part. There's just one little thing that bothers me to no end. is when the carriage drivers are talking and get cut off in mid-sentence.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 9:01 am

Ack, yes, that's irritating. Also, I really wish at least one follower would get into the thing with you - I can see where it wouldn't let multiple followers do so because 99.9% of the time in vanilla you only have one follower (or one human and one pet) but it always seems weird that I get in, sit down, and Jenassa or Vilja or whoever just stands around. (And there is NO way Meeko wouldn't bound up into it and flop down right where I was about to sit...)

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 11:40 am

Not quite. It's also connected to the smaller towns and villages, like Ivarstead for example.

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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 1:05 pm

Only your personal carriage (if you have a Hearthfire house) does that, the carriages at Whiterun etc "can take you to any of the hold capitals" (and charge 50 for ones without a stables/20 for those with).

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 12:09 pm

i take it you are playing the console version of the game

or you wouldn't have complained about it

ps only takes 20 inutes to run from riften to sollitude by road

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 8:44 am

Carriages are an RP thing.

However, one thing they do that FT travel does not is allow you visit a major city you have not discovered yet. The first hour of most any character I take a ride around Skyrim visiting each city. This way I don't have to slog all the way across the map. I can FT to a nearby city and then walk the last part.

I enjoy walking the land, I just don't want to spend the real time walking across a map for a Fetch quest. Walking is for exploring, FT is for doing quests.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 8:57 am

Okay, now I remember there is one thing I don't like about vanilla carriages. I can't use them if I'm overencumbered. Like... what? Isn't the whole point of a carriage to transport a number of people or heavier things than you can carry?

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Timara White
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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 1:14 pm

Perhaps they should have added different game mode options, much like Fallout's "hardcoe" (is that what it's called?) option, but bigger, not just with this but for many other controversial things.

That way everyone could have been happy.

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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 1:45 pm

I didn't know that. That is preposterous.

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