» Sat May 28, 2011 5:42 pm
Slot systems are generally despised, aren't they? I'm the kind of guy that "wants everything in the name of realism". So in Arma2 we have a slot system with a hefty limit on the amount of stuff you can carry. So I want it to expand the slots but add both weight and form. So a mine would take up 2x2 slots, a normal magazine 1 slot, and a big magazine 2x1 slot whereas rockets might be 1x4 slots, where everything also has a weight and causes stamina issues. Everything coupled with different "gear layouts", where i.e. a rocket ammoman has a completely different layout than a sniper.
Now, the engine doesn't support it, so it's out of the question atm. But it was favored in ACE (realism addon) that impact of slots was pretty much reduced, and everything was governed by weight alone. It's not very refined, but it does seem to do the trick. Considering a "note" is also an item, it would be weird if you had to spend a whole slot for this note, if slots are to be limited. Unless we have these "bag/directories" where you might put unlimited number of items like notes, the unlimited list is really the only way to go.
For a horse I'd expect something like 5-10 times the weight, and 20-50 times the weight for a cart, depending very much on how the system works wrt weight. I wouldn't mind a slot based equipped equipment system (slot for helmet, left hand, curiass, pauldrons, ring etc) - especially the PC would be well suited for this - but for the unequipped equipment I can only see a list system. Click on the pauldron slot and you'll only get a list of pauldrons instead of searching the endless list.
But clothes should be made more important, and easier to manage. So I'd like option to quickly assign a selection of normal clothes and a selection of armor/compatible clothes. I have no idea how suitable the above suggestion is for a console player though.