They didn't disappear just because he never was away from that cell long enough for it to reset. Homes are the only safe storage places are they won't reset. If he had happened to spend way too much time in a dungeon /resting/ what not, or just left his game running while he went to the store and then forgot about it for the weekend or something (ridiculous, I know, but whatev) then he could've stayed away from that cell too long and the barrels (and the rest of the cell) could have reset. But it's because he used them for storage that he returned often enough that they didn't reset.
Thanks! Do you know what the magic number is? I'm assuming cells respawn every three days like Oblivion, but it isn't sooner, is it?
@ code2501: But quest items don't have any weight, right? Like Ob? I mean, it's annoying to have fifty things in your inventory but they don't weigh you do own, do they?
(1): how to carry stuff:
Boost your stamina and it'll increase your carry weight. You can also get the steed stone which adds 100 to your carry weight and means worn armour weighs nothing at all..nothing at all..nothing at al- sorry, I get carried away. Stupid sixy characters.
(2) where is safe storage:
I've heard dragon corpses make good storage. Also, both the mage college and companion's headquarters have safe storage boxes. I'm unsure about thieves or DB.
(3) Are there houses for sale and is there a cheap one around?
There is one in every major city that has a Jarl. The cheapest is in Whiterun and is $5000.
Thank you for the info. I knew there had to be way to raise my carry weight. But $5000 for the cheapest house? Egggh . . .