As per request, I'll try my hand at this story so far as well.
Spelling and Grammar:
Boos does not need to be capitalized or contain an apostrophe
A typo with the word shouted.
A hold is generally two words, as is long sword and short sword. Rotbags is dialogue, so I'll forgive that one.
What is the meaning of ralph up acid? I have not heard this word, is it of traditional english?
Eye slit is two words as well. Same with at least.
All in all, no real spelling errors and the only grammar mistakes are a few instances where commas should have been semi-colons. Very good.
Intro: You begin with an arena battle, without any history or plot. Bravo! A very good way to start a story: show a character in his normal life, with an oddity like the Bosmer's death that indicates the start of the conflict and plot. We don't know what it is yet, but we know that he will have something to do with it. Great intro :goodjob:
Chapter One: We see another character writing a letter. A little idle conversation, yet it seems important to the plot. Very natural in presentation, without any explanation, making us feel like we just stumbled onto a moment in time. Then, action. A strange Nord, a very sickly man. He vomits upon this mysterious general, and is then killed. The general then starts raving about a disease, and is described as being sick himself. He says he will die, and both act like they know what this disease is. Another element of mystery is added. Another great chapter.
Chapter Two: Continuing where the last chapter left off, we see this Altmer run into the streets. The fact that he knows what is going on is confirmed as he sees infected people ambling through the street. One thing I didn't like was that a man threw up his innards...I don't think that is even possible...However, the scene then changes. We see the Dunmer messenger running through a forest, doing skooma. He quickly arrives at the tower after a funny comment about riding a deer. He then delivers the message to this Carstien, who must play some importance due to the title and how people regard him as "the only hope for the city". Carstien shouts at him, giving us a good idea of what he's like. Another good chapter.
Chapter Three: A short bit telling us a lot about Carstien. He is a necromancer, a vampire, and is protected by the Empire. An interesting figure indeed. His servant is a bit iffy, but I assume he is being controlled by Carstien to a degree. Informative, if nothing else.
Chapter Four: Another descriptive chapter, it tells us little new information about the characters, but we learn more about this mysterious new disease. It also serves to put Carstien with the other main character. If the Redguard from the intro is one of the supporting players, he is all that remains. Also short, but that is of little consequence.
Character: Seeing as how this Carstien seems to be the protagonist, I'll do him. As has been said, he is unusual, yet still human enough for us to connect with him. He is kind of like the stereotypical spiteful grandfatherly mage, yet his "affliction" and practice of necromancy give him enough edge to be interesting. He seems like he could easily be uber, yet, if done right, could be a very good character indeed. Not much to criticize there :goodjob:
Flow and Word Choice: The descriptions and word choice are above average, but not the best they could be. I won't mention anything specific, but there were a few spots where it seemed lacking. However, all in all, very nice.
Plot: Here is where the best part of the story and the worst part come together. You introduce the main plot, this disease, magnificently. However, it also seems like, as has been said, that it could be better. It is almost as if you tried too hard to surprise us with the sickness; not describing the functionality of the city in thoughts, dialogue, or emotion. If this balance of description and mystery is found, there is little to be improved on within this story. As I said, you did very well, but because of that one will always expect better

Summary: Good, very good. I am almost jealous of this story

I will come back when you have told more of the plot, but I expect there will be little to say then as well. Thanks for writing, and great job. A turtle for such grand improvement since your last story :turtle:
EDIT: Ah, just read the recent comments. If this did indeed happen long after the Oblivion Crisis, you can say necromancy was allowed once more by the new arch-mage. Really, it is generally a bad idea to change your story like that. Also, sorry to hear about your mother, I'm sure everything will be alright.
EDIT AGAIN: Never, ever force yourself to write. Write whenever it suits you, whenever you feel the inspiration, and your work will be a hundred times better for it. Never put writing on a to-do list. And editing things always makes them worse, the flow is all off. So write when you will be at your best or don't write at all.