There are quite a few obvious power game builds for destruction but from what I can tell very few, if any, make use of runes. While leveling destruction, grinding my DiD legendary character towards level 81, I found them extremely efficient for gaining levels, but that's not all.
I've taken rune master, a trait I never though even remotely valuable before, and I'm finding I've reached a very effective combat style/strategy strangely reminiscent of my absurdly overpowered Oblivion mage character using runes. Granted I'm using 100% destruction reduction enchants since I would never bother w/destruction w/out them, and runes without it would be too expensive to bother with.
Using a storm atronach(immune to its damage) or two to gather enemies up and spam lightning runes, of course with the +shock damage in destruction, has been surprisingly effective and absolutely chews through everything - and keep in mind legendary enemies take 1/4th damage from the player. I'm wondering if there's something off/bugged with the spell since it seems to kill even a single enemy faster than thunderbolts (which do 50 damage vs. the rune's 60). I'm dual casting them of course as well. I can't figure out exactly why they seem so effective though, or if I'm just somehow misjudging something. Perhaps it's their ease of use/quickly spam-able nature compared to the somewhat more aim-requiring thunderbolt, but I doubt it. I'll have to test it with some console commands eventually.
Then I've also noticed that, at least indoors where sneak seems to be far more effective, I can often spam them on enemies from stealth(with quiet casting perk in illusion of course) without them finding me. Which is basically how my mage worked in Oblivion with invisibility combined into my damage spells in very short duration. Rune master of course makes it especially effective for this, allowing me to rain runes down on enemies from a greater distance while remaining in stealth as I do so.
Ease of use, range, damage, and of course effectiveness from stealth all seem to favor it over thunderbolt spam except perhaps against single enemies you want to impact stagger-lock. And of course, against flying enemies like dragons it's not so great until they land. Anyway, I've been finding it way more effective than I expected and am considering going for destruction as my damage source over archery.
As for lightning rune vs. fire or frost there are mutliple points -
1. Fewer enemies are resistant to shock
2. Shock spells other than the rune are the easiest to hit enemies with due to much shorter travel time on ranged spells when you want to use them
3. Shock has the best/only worthwhile master spell, Lightning Storm is actually decent for melting large enemies and laser beaming dragons in flight
4. The strongest/most useful atronach is probably the storm atronach so it's best to pick what it's immune to
Fire might be worth considering just due to its extra burning damage, but really I doubt it'd add up to that much more damage considering how quickly things go down when you rune spam them.