I looked on the wiki but her skill set is not listed yet. I have no idea what weapons to give her and her effective level for then.
If you are on PC:
Turn so you have Cass on screen (works with any NPC).
Enter console command mode "~" KEY.
Leftclick her so her name and code appears on top of the screen.
Type getav
and press enter -where skill is one you want to know.
here is list of commands:
getav xp
getav health
getav karma
getav actionpoints
getav critchance
getav strength
getav perception
getav endurance
getav charisma
getav intelligence
getav agility
getav luck
getav radresist
getav damageresist
getav fireresist
getav poisonresist
getav guns
getav energy
getav explosives
getav meleeweapons
getav unarmed