u thought about using those plastic meshes and textures you hate so much because to many people use them? u should they look good.
and please dont be so horrible about the neverhalls it's been around for a longer amout of time, lots of work was put into and most people like it, dont expact to come barging in with MW 700 castle mod and expect it to move, it wont happen
Haha I'm not expectant to move, I'm just illustrating the stupidity of trying to make other mods work around every single other mod. It's in unrealistic.
If you don't like this mod, and you enjoy criticizing it despite the fact that you yourself have not produced anything like this, then feel free to not to use it.There will plenty of people who will enjoy it very much.
Just because neverhalls isn't a mod that I like, doesn't mean that it's a bad one. It's just that it's not to my taste, which is the main reason i did not detect the incompatibility: because I'm not running it.
Keep in mind that I didn't make this mod for release. This was made for my own enjoyment, but I released it cos some mates thought it was good enough. And I suppose it is. This mod represents my most basic, low effort modding. I guess now that I've been "challenged" I'll put the finishing touches on one of my seriously epic mods I'm working on for release.
In any case, compared to most of the rubbish released these days, this takes the cake.
Edit: oh and I as referring to benrihir most of the time there. CBf quoting
As for the "Nordic" castle image.. Well feel free to put some effort into making your own like that. This is my mod, the way I want and like it. Id love to some of your work compare to
Mine I'd you have a problem with it