Hi, I'm playing Fallout on Xbox One.
I'm having a weird issue with the Castle. It says I have 9 settlers there, but they are nowhere to be found. I have Preston and a settler by my farm on the wall, and Ronnie Shaw is also wondering around the place. I know I have one on the recruitment radio and one on a mortar. But the rest are nowhere to be found.
I've noticed with a few places that when you go there sometimes all the settlers are congregated in the same spot then they move off. Such as with Starlight Drivein they spawn near the centre (which was annoying when I forgot to remove the radiation from the water). Is there a spot in the castle where I can find my settlers all bunched up?
On the note of Settlements, Anyone with any news on a potential patch to stop the issue of settlements randomly losing all their water when you're not there and thus you lose happiness. Making the achievement for 100% happiness a right pain.