Modification for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Created by Trollf, April 2010 - November 2011
DOWNLOAD & PICTURES (download it from Maidenhead, UK server if others don't work, the file needs some time to propagate between all of these)
sample movie of some technology used ;] -
This plugin adds a new castle which is located near The Gold Road,
somewhere in the middle between Lake Rumare and Skingrad.
This is neither evil nor good castle. It has just neutral, nature based feeling.
Here are some of its features:
- 40 new and unique interior locations
- night/day light cycle
- improved lights system (strong sources of lights outside windows, ambient lights inside - as in real life)
- true dynamic switchable lights in Lord's chamber and Main Hall (with fade in/fade out brightness)
- few interiors with skylights (moons and sun possible to observe)
- some havoked tapestries and lights
- many unique sculptures and gardens
- hidden locations and secrets
- dozens of safe containers to store the loot
- three very detailed rooms (Lord's Chamber, Laboratory, and Armory) as a main prize for finishing the quest.
And I do not want to provide any other more detailed descriptions of things inside all of interiors,
as I want it to be somehow like a surprise for those who are curious enough to download the mod
and discover the stuff for themselves.
Well, I think that some visual impressions are guaranteed
(even for those who have seen the previous version - as this was rather more like a demo in comparison to this one!).
This mod requires TES IV: Oblivion game patched to the latest official version (1.2.0416).
If you don't have latest version of this game, you can download required patches from official TES page.
# copy all three CastleWestWeald files (with bsa, esm, and esp extensions) from this archive to "Oblivion\Data" folder,
# in Oblivion Launcher choose "Data Files" from menu and mark checkboxes close to both CastleWestWeald esm and esp files,
# run the game and load your any save.
If you happen to have the previous version of this mod, called Castle West Weald ORE version (v0.8),
then know this that there's no any way of upgrade.
As this version, Castle West Weald II (v1.0) is completely incompatible with previous one.
That's because of shear amounts of changes, improvements, and modifications done.
In such a case, the only way is to:
# delete all files of the previous version
# then load your any save without it
# then move your character to one of the vanilla interiors (eg. any Mage or Fighters guild)
# and save the game there in a different save slot
# finally do things covered by the Installation section here in this readme
After you load any of your saves you should see two new icons on the map
somewhere in the middle on The Gold Road from Imperial City to Skingrad.
Should you visit the castle for the first time, all of its locations will be either unaccessible or almost empty,
so to start the quest related to castle, go and speak with steward - Cidius Horatius,
who usually is in Castle's Bureau, which is accessible through the Main and Great Halls inside of the castle.
If you really do not have time (or do not want) to follow castle's quest just type in console:
startquest trfcaTest
Everything will be enabled and you will have unrestricted access to most of the places.
# delete the same files you copied previously during the installation proccess.
This mod may be incompatible with other mods that change this particular area otherwise all should be fine.
There may be some performace issues on olders systems,
as this mods features some very detailed locations full of various objects.
Alas there's no any way to improve performance without sacrificing all the visuals and vistas present in this mod.
# Bethesda for such moddable game.
# SaidenStorm for various animation hints in the past and sample file I could inspect
and which helped me to create true dynamic lights for this mod.
You may use all meshes and textures from this mod for all of your Oblivion's projects.