The year is 5E 614, and the Black Horse Courier has become the greatest newsletter company in the Eastern World. A business with a long history stretching back to the days of the legendary Septim dynasty, the influence of the Black Horse Courier grew until its owner obtained a spot on the Elder Council, governed by the New Empire's Empress, Quinceth Carthius V, descendant of the legandary hero Selix Carthius, who ended the second Great War between the Old Empire and the powerful Aldmeri Dominion.
Since the end of the Fourth Era, much has transpired. The reformed Empire gained power across all of New Tamriel, consisting of Alik'r, Wayrest, Skyrim, Cyrodiil and the newly reformed Elsweyr, who gratefully seceded from the powerful Aldmeri Dominion in exchanged for reclaiming Alabaster, the southern tip of Cyrodiil. The dragons had returned to their old homeland of Akivir, led by Paarthunax, who had helped the dragons overcome their dominant nature as he did by teaching them the Way of The Voice. The dragons now live peacefully among the peaks of Akivir, although they are revered by the Ka'Po'Tun, who follow every wise word they grumble religiously.
The Aldmeri Dominion ceased warring when Selix had slain the Thalmor's leader Synrus, and now has a strong relationship with the New Empire, both empires greatly profiting from each other. This new Dominion peacefully exchanged Elsweyr for half of the New Empire's navy, which was used to establish communications and relations with the mist-erious Maormer of Pyandonea, the first province of Thalmeris, which consists also of the Summerset Isle, Valenwood, and Thras.
Entire races which were thought to be extinct were discovered during the third and fourth centuries of this new era. The Lilmothiit were found deep underground, underneath southeastern Argonia, in a vast subterranean cavern, filled with sparkling lakes, enormous fungi and a variety of alien creatures, domesticated and feral alike. This vulpine species miraculously maintained civility, with its own government, cities and culture. After a brief war spawned of the confused reptilian natives topsoil, the Lilmothiit reentered into Tamrielic society once again, forming the Ashenmarsh alliance with the Saxhleel of Argonia and the Dunmer of Morrowind.
The Orismer's attempts at expanding their city-kingdom of Orismer in 5E 538 was met with much resistance from the country of Daggerfall, who had merged all of the northwestern kingdoms into a democratic government ruled by a council of nobles, the former rulers of the many kingdoms, counties, baronies, and dukedoms of those areas. A war between the Orcs and the Bretons of both Daggerfall and the Forsworn lasted for nearly a decade. The Orcs were fighting vociferously, but being flanked by the magic-wielding Bretons of Daggerfall and Forsworn, both angered by their attempts to forcefully annex their territory to Orsinium, were essentially fighting a losing battle. The war grew so dire for the stubborn Orcs that Malacath himself intervened and smote eastern High Rock with his legendary hanmer Volendruung. The kingdoms of Jehanna and Farrun, which were overthrown in 5E 277 and now ruled by the Forsworn, were decimated, as the shockwave torn the earth itself asunder and, leaving behind a massive fissure running along the Druadach Mountains, and an underwater volcanic eruption leading to the formation of a brand new mountainous island northwest of this fissure, not far off the coast of High Rock. The war ceased as the Orcs abandoned Orsinium to live on this new island, which they've named Orsinia. What remained of the Forsworn fled to Old Orsinium, as their old home has been destroyed and inhospitable.
For all of these events, a journalist or reporter for the Black Horse Courier has been present, and had sent fliers all throughout Nirn via airship, to inform the world of these incredible disasters, discoveries and events. There are still many more stories, big and small, for these interviewers to discover, and relay to everyone. But has the story of the storytellers been told?
Since the end of the Fourth Era, much has transpired. The reformed Empire gained power across all of New Tamriel, consisting of Alik'r, Wayrest, Skyrim, Cyrodiil and the newly reformed Elsweyr, who gratefully seceded from the powerful Aldmeri Dominion in exchanged for reclaiming Alabaster, the southern tip of Cyrodiil. The dragons had returned to their old homeland of Akivir, led by Paarthunax, who had helped the dragons overcome their dominant nature as he did by teaching them the Way of The Voice. The dragons now live peacefully among the peaks of Akivir, although they are revered by the Ka'Po'Tun, who follow every wise word they grumble religiously.
The Aldmeri Dominion ceased warring when Selix had slain the Thalmor's leader Synrus, and now has a strong relationship with the New Empire, both empires greatly profiting from each other. This new Dominion peacefully exchanged Elsweyr for half of the New Empire's navy, which was used to establish communications and relations with the mist-erious Maormer of Pyandonea, the first province of Thalmeris, which consists also of the Summerset Isle, Valenwood, and Thras.
Entire races which were thought to be extinct were discovered during the third and fourth centuries of this new era. The Lilmothiit were found deep underground, underneath southeastern Argonia, in a vast subterranean cavern, filled with sparkling lakes, enormous fungi and a variety of alien creatures, domesticated and feral alike. This vulpine species miraculously maintained civility, with its own government, cities and culture. After a brief war spawned of the confused reptilian natives topsoil, the Lilmothiit reentered into Tamrielic society once again, forming the Ashenmarsh alliance with the Saxhleel of Argonia and the Dunmer of Morrowind.
The Orismer's attempts at expanding their city-kingdom of Orismer in 5E 538 was met with much resistance from the country of Daggerfall, who had merged all of the northwestern kingdoms into a democratic government ruled by a council of nobles, the former rulers of the many kingdoms, counties, baronies, and dukedoms of those areas. A war between the Orcs and the Bretons of both Daggerfall and the Forsworn lasted for nearly a decade. The Orcs were fighting vociferously, but being flanked by the magic-wielding Bretons of Daggerfall and Forsworn, both angered by their attempts to forcefully annex their territory to Orsinium, were essentially fighting a losing battle. The war grew so dire for the stubborn Orcs that Malacath himself intervened and smote eastern High Rock with his legendary hanmer Volendruung. The kingdoms of Jehanna and Farrun, which were overthrown in 5E 277 and now ruled by the Forsworn, were decimated, as the shockwave torn the earth itself asunder and, leaving behind a massive fissure running along the Druadach Mountains, and an underwater volcanic eruption leading to the formation of a brand new mountainous island northwest of this fissure, not far off the coast of High Rock. The war ceased as the Orcs abandoned Orsinium to live on this new island, which they've named Orsinia. What remained of the Forsworn fled to Old Orsinium, as their old home has been destroyed and inhospitable.
For all of these events, a journalist or reporter for the Black Horse Courier has been present, and had sent fliers all throughout Nirn via airship, to inform the world of these incredible disasters, discoveries and events. There are still many more stories, big and small, for these interviewers to discover, and relay to everyone. But has the story of the storytellers been told?
So, in that spoiler tag is basically the backstory, setting and idea of the RP, which I'll explain more now. This RP will be the first in a series I'm going to call the New Empire. I don't have much written in terms of Fifth Era lore, but it'll come as we write more in this. I want to make an RP that introduces us to a whole new Nirn, and an RP that feels very casual to those who want to participate casually, and intense for those who want an intense role. A little bit of everything, if you will. This RP will be set in a small newsletter office in Skingrad, for the most part, with RPers having the option to visit places all over New Tamriel, Thalmeris and Ashenmarsh if they desire to.
Due to my lack of competence as a GM, and my lack of knowledge on business, TES lore and history, I'm trying to establish in this RP what I call a "democracy". Basically, there is no GM. Everybody manages the RP by participating, and everybody has the option to build on the lore and create their own side-story if they desire to. I've given you a setting to "run amok" and create your own story within. This is an interaction-based RP, so it will thrive on character relations a lot.
Of course, there has to be some rules. Other than the standard "no god-characters, no character controlling, yada-yada-yada", I've made some guidelines (not rules) that I encourage everyone to follow, but they do not have to if they cannot or do not want to:
1. The nature of this RP makes everyone in charge of it. So everyone try to read everyone's posts and character sheets. Especially character sheets. Because this RP setting is quite inspired by the sitcom The Office, I encourage as diverse characters as possible. Character sheets will also be approved by a vote-ish kind of system. Read an unapproved sheet, post your thoughts as to whether it's worthy or not, and I'll respond accordingly. I'm not forcing you to, though. Backstories are optional.
2. I encourage everyone to add a bit to the lore of this RP setting. The idea for the New Empire may have been mine, but the New Empire series itself belongs to everyone. Write something about an event that the Black Horse Courier covered two hundred years ago, add more detail to the once-mysterious continents outside of Old Tamriel. Again, I'm not forcing you to, but maybe one of these ideas will become an RP itself one day.
3. This setting is both broad and narrow. I'd like to focus on the latter a bit more, as that was what the original idea for this RP was, and seemed to be what interested people before when I proposed this. I encourage everyone to have at least one character be one of the Black Horse Couriers scribes, copying words onto blank newsletters in an office in Skingrad. Also, like The Office, try and make your characters do something that generates rumours or sparks something unusual happening.
4. If I could only stress one guideline, it would be this one. Please, please, please have an open mind when writing. Ask about what kind of technology would be in this era; I've already said airships, there must be more than that! Your character doesn't have to be one of the standard races if you want, it could be a Maormer or even a Sload! Just try to keep it within the setting (what feels right for the setting). If you're confused, ask on the OOC thread and see what our "council" thinks. We're trying to both have a relaxing fun time writing and build the setting's lore for future RPs.
5. Criticize me! If any of this sounds stupid or lazy, or if there's something you want me to change, let me know! I can make changes to it, as the whole primary goal is to make this fun. And who knows, it might help me be a better GM (though I'm not really being a GM here. More like the "president" of the RP, really. Don't want to screw this up).
I know there are quite a few unanswered questions with this setting. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need or want to! I'll list some answers to questions I feel will be FAQs:
- The Last Dragonborn fled to Akivir in 4E 205, in an attempt to flee Hermaeus Mora. No one knows what happened to him/her.
- The Dwemer are still gone.
- I'm aiming for a Renaissance-Industrial era transition, with less technology. Maybe there are some Dwemer contraptions and airships replicated by some Dwemer scholars, but that's it.
- There is some peaceful communications with the southern part of Akivir, but not all of it, and the dragons and the Last Dragonborn are nowhere to be seen.
- I don't think there is a massive war going on right now, but if you feel there should, I can start brainstorming one with your assistance, of course.
Here's the character sheet template (I'm probably missing something):
Job in the Black Horse Courier:
Appearance (include height, weight, clothing/armour) :
Possessions (miscellaneous items, money, maybe a weapon) :
Backstory (this is optional; I think it would be cool to see some of the character's history revealed in posts rather than the character sheet) :
Job in the Black Horse Courier:
Appearance (include height, weight, clothing/armour) :
Possessions (miscellaneous items, money, maybe a weapon) :
Backstory (this is optional; I think it would be cool to see some of the character's history revealed in posts rather than the character sheet) :
So, any thoughts, questions, criticisms? I don't know how fun this will be, but I'm trying to do something different. This might not sound like a casual RP, but I'm hoping it is. And since I don't know how a Renaissance newsletter business would work, I'm relying on/hoping someone to help me out here (hence, part of the reason for the "democracy". I was quite reluctant on putting this on here before now because I wasn't sure about businesses). Since everyone is busy with RL at the moment, expect this to be slow, and have little responsibilities. Please don't feel like you can't join because of RL stuff, you can take as much time as you need to write a post, which can be as short or as long as you need or want.
I immensely hope this RP will be fun.