And yet there are cats in Fallout 4.
There was actually a huge argument a few weeks before the game came out about Bethesda ruining the "artistic integrity" of the Fallout universe by inlcuding cats, and this was back when we only had some adorable concept art (that turned out to be some of the paintings you can put up in your settlements). Oh no, a blithe comment from Mr. House and one yokel from Fallout 2 turned out to be wrong, I guess that's the real reason Bethesda ruined Fallout.
Besides, the notion that cats were eaten to extinction is ridiculous. At this point I'm not sure we could wipe out cats if we tried.
The game is obsessed with cats apparently. There's ton of cat pictures on walls in just about any building, and you can frequently meet them as well. Tho it's annoying you can't pet them or anything.
you can totta
you can tottally eat them.. i eat cat meat all the time.. yum cat meat...
And don't forget about that excellent cat grease, Eli.
Why not the Franklin Park Zoo as a DLC, full of all kinds of mutated beasts, some tameable?
I want a mutated ape companion.. A highly intelligent ape that goes on and on about one day taking over and ruling the planet.
It's been two hundred years. Seems just a bit unlikely there would still be animals hanging around the zoo.
You already have them. Preston, Piper, Cait, Deacon... all highly intelligent apes.
They're in Fallout 4 though. There's one on Abernathy Farm.
Yes, this should be a thing!
Reminds me of this though:
In reality though a cat is less likely to go extinct than a dog, cats are more independant & more adaptable than dogs, but they wouldn't make a good companion for someone namadic.
I want a cat in power armor, get on that modders.
You have obviously never had a cat leap 8 feet through the air and sink it`s claws and teeth into your leg before. They do indeed make formidable combat companions.
i have a dog, he's half shepherd and resembles dogmeat (especially the behaviors and sounds) a lot so I kind of like the dog companion, he's the only one I use
as far as cats.....i think they've gone as far as they need putting cats in the wasteland, maybe too far with those pictures everywhere....
and how in the world are you going to utilize a cat as a companion, as much as everyone loves them, when was the last time a cat actually did what you told it to? xD, maybe if a cat just followed you around and looked cute i guess...
but seriously, cat companion in the wasteland?? only if it was like He-Man's tiger-mount companion guy xD, now there's a post-apocalyptic cat i could go for xD
That's not why, especially when you compare any dog to any large cat. They are used in combat and warfare because they are the largest, most threatening animal that can be controlled. If we could control leopards or tigers, we'd be using them instead. Even the smallest leopard or whatever would put down any dog, any day. Dogs can only survive in packs of other dogs or with humans. If you want to compare attack dogs to cats, compare them to big cats and not housecats. Housecats compare to Yorkies and no one is sending Yorkies to the front lines.
When I think of cat companions I can't help but think of Drizzt. It would be awesome to have a cat like his travel the wasteland with us.
Ok, so Catmeat.... it should be a mountain lion about the size of dogmeat... we will need cat armor and cat specific things to put on it. The ability to upgrade both dog and cat armor to include side mounted machine guns or gattling lasers would be awesome...........
Mod this!