9/10 fallout players own a cat
Cat companion could be available as optional dlc, dlc i would pay for. Cat would only be good for carrying 300 pounds and stealing stuff for stealthy characters.
This animal discrimination cannot stand.
tell me have you got cait's perk ?
"Let's go Catmeat!"
*Catmeat licks himself and goes back to sleep*
The ability to steal actually doesn't sound too bad. But for anything else? It's a cat. And lets be honest, they're pretty useless animals in actual combat. But I suppose it would make for a nice gimmick companion.
Not if you strap a few (small) machine guns on its back!
Come on, it's the future. The public is ready for cat companions!
Tell that to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIoOJKLHeY0 guy!
An interesting factiod, FAllout 2 established that cats are in fact extinct.
*Begin Spoiler Alert*
There's a cat rancher near an overpass who sells cat meat. Does that count?
*End Spoiler Alert*
I'd like to have a mutant large cat, like a puma.
I admit that would be badass and quite threatening. No doubt they're probably a pretty good shot as well.
Maybe they're just hard to see and not all that common, but cats do still exist actually with their appearance in Fallout 4. Even seen an NPC argue with one.
If they made a cat companion I would never get anything done. Whenever I see a cat in game I follow it around cooing at it >.< <3
Step 1: Add $5 Cat Companion DLC
Step 2: Profit
Step 3: Donate portion of profit to abandoned cats for a tax break.
I do not think its fact that 9/10 players own a cat. I have a dog my self. Other than seeing cats around people, in game as a companion would be pretty much useless considering how cats behave compared to dogs.
Interesting Factoid: Fallout 2 (or any prior game) can claim anything it wants about the state of the entire world. However, there is no way that any such claims can be verified as fact due to the current state of the world, or at least anyone who might make such claims (i.e., no way for them to know what is happening between East Coast and West Coast of America let alone in every other location on the planet).
Far more likely that dogs would be extinct, too. That's also a fact because felines are hunters by nature as well as independent by nature. Canines and lupines are not.
Another interesting fact: felines would be FAR more useful as companions in a post-apocalyptic world due to the above-noted fact that they are natural hunters. Dogs would be largely useless, especially the breeds offered. Maybe something like dobermans might be more useful as dog companions, but not what we have.
Of rodents, and other small pest of such size when it comes to cats. Which is exactly their purpose as house pets. And considering how some of those small creatures have grew in size to the point of being a threat, it kind of questions what exactly could make a cat a hunter in the post-apocalypse, and would be reasonable enough to assume they've gone extinct by someone in the wasteland.
But there is a reason why dogs have been used in combat and warfare in real life. They pose an actual threat, while cats do not. As is the case in Fallout when they're an actual enemy type. And cats are not.
But lel I've responded to this before when you made this very same comment.
Comparisons with real life are often dangerous. Supermutants, ghouls or mutated hounds have never been used in combat in real life and they pose no threat on account of not existing (yet). But they are and they do in the postapocalypses that do exist in our lives in the evenings after work. I say give cats the right to be irradiated and become combat worthy like the rest of us.
And a friends's dog got his ass kicked so hard by my cat even though it is 10x times smaller (when innocent curiosity brought it a bit too close to her litter of kittens), that we were all too scared to intervene. So when they deign to react they are quite "combat worthy", at least as a mutated dog repellant, but this is another discussion.
It will never happen because it is too cool for Bethesda to let it happen. I'm already getting over it.
Buying one for player housing would be nice too.
They didn't add cats to the combat list because they'd be terrifying if they were on.
Those tiny cats would all have to show up with skull names forever to be anything close to realistic. Keep in mind that they (universally - dogs go both ways, it seems) don't seem to be mutated at all - the implication being that cats are immune to radiation.
But a true Feline Overlord DLC, where you could be recruited as a cat's companion and travel the wasteland with them to fight the deadliest enemies in the game? Yes, please.