Here's what I have observed so far:
It is widely known by now that three less Convicts spawn in the outside areas of Primm, and one less on the rollercoaster.
Two of the three radscorpions in the Nipton trailer park do not spawn on the first visit, but do spawn later on.
Helios One- Three frag mines missing from the room with the terminal which switches off the defense turrets. The Mr Gutsy downstairs of the same area was replaced by a far more formidable Sentry Bot.
In each Viper crew, one of them now carries a Grenade rifle.
Legion Vexillarius who is part of the team of assassins the Legion sends after you when you're Vilified now carries a useable Sniper rifle at roughly 40% condition. It was previously completely broken, forcing the Vexillarius to switch to another weapon after the first attempted shot.
I am not 100% certain, but it appears that vendors restock more consistently now.
If you have noticed any other changes of similar nature, please list them here