I hope this message finds you well. And perhaps it can bring some light on the subject within the community and bring some discussion to this topic.
This is something that has been on my mind since before Skyrims big reveal. It is regarding Bethesda's games and the Gamebyro engine not being Machinima friendly. And now the brand new Engine that Skyrim is running off.
Machinima itself has grown a lot over the years, and from what I've seen it pretty much acts as a free form of advertising for developers. From this we've seen many developers beginning to cater to this type of fan-fiction. A good example would be Halo 3's Replay Tool and Rockstar Games' Social Club and similar Replay tool which allows us Machinimists to rewind a particular scene and re-capture it at all sorts of speeds and camera angles with ease. It's no denying the fact that some of the game developers have seen the potential here and are making tools for us to use which make the process more accessible for new people. The amount of Halo and GTAIV Machinimas compared to all the Bethesda ones speaks for itself.
I've received emails, comments, and PM's over the years from hundreds of people saying they discovered and bought your games because of my videos. And I'm sure this is the case for all the other Machinimists out there who are doing the same thing with your games.
From my experience Bethesda's games have been some of the worst games to work with for Machinimists like myself. It gets particularly buggy when tickered with too much and the amount of things you can actually get NPC's to do is very small. In one of my series, DC Chronicles, I have to put masks over all the characters faces and if not, turn the camera away when I want them to talk because the process you have to go through to actually get their facial expressions to work is complicated and time consuming. Where as in a game like GTAIV there is a single button I can press on my keyboard and the character will move their mouth and perform all sorts of facial expressions. Yeah, you could argue that If I don't like it I can simply start making more GTAIV videos and no more Fallout/Elder Scrolls videos. But personally, I find the open worlds in your games far more interesting and theres a lot more potential for storytelling.
All I'd like to ask is that you guys could put some faith into all of the Machinima we create and the fans who enjoy watching it. I'm sure if Skyrim had better Machinima support there will be more people making these kinds of videos and without a doubt your games will be a little more exposed.
Thank you. Discuss?