C'mon, what's with the hatin'? Cats are sweet. And besides, Sheogorath didn't do that out of some kind of dislike of cats. He did it because he wanted a laugh and these Khajiit already believed something like that would happen. I'm pretty sure the Madgod will support my decision to have you tortured, because he has permitted me to torture anyone I feel is deserving of it. That's one of the little perks of being Duchess of Dementia. :hubbahubba:
Hahahaha very true. Alright well I get to be tortured, but it would just really kill my immersion if there were cats and I couldn't ROLEPLAY (of course roleplay.. I wouldn't stomp a kitteh myself) a mean Nord that likes to snap little bitty kitty bones

Dog companions would be cooler. But of course if there are dog companions, might as well have a kitteh companion. Even though it will just go off on it's own and sleep behind the sofa, hissing at you whenever you try and extend your love to it.
/traumatic childhood experiences with cats.