Cause of inconsistent crashes?

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:23 am

I am using STEP v2.2.8 as my bible, and using Mod Organizer (MO) as my mod manager. The list of mods is

I have a pretty solid machine - i7, GTX 480 (may seem dated to you, but is more than adequate for running vanilla skyrim at Ultra).

I was playing modded Skyrim (using STEP v 2.2.8 Core + some other mods) just fine when on a regular HDD. Decided to free up some space on my SSD (removed modded Oblivion), and move over Skyrim there to take advantage of SSD loading times. Used the Steam mover application to move over Skyrim files, which worked fine but BOSS did not recognize the Skyrim location and threw a fit. Modded game was still running fine.

Decided to reinstall Skyrim (from scratch) on the SSD via Steam. Vanilla Skyrim works fine. So now trying to recreate the modded STEP Core system again on the SSD. Moved the Mod Organizer mods folder to SSD to take advantage of SSD again.

I install a few mods and test if Skyrim runs, but am getting very inconsistent CTDs on loading now. This is a clean install, and the way MO works, it does not touch your vanilla files anyway.

I installed all mods until "". now the problems begin - game crashes before the main menu. Remove it, it now crashes again. Add another mod, it will load, try again, it will crash again. Same thing with "SMIM", Skyfalls+Skymills". There is no consistent pattern, adding a mod X - game loads, adding another mod Y, game crashes. Removing mod Y and reverting to previous step, game crashes! Try again, it may load to main menu and game is fine. But this is not always consistent - it may work fine at other times. Crashes always happen on load - it either goes to main menu, or crashes on creating the SKSE windows.

SKSE v 1.6.16 (last stable version), also using Sheson's tweak through SSME. SKSE creates a game dump on Skyrim crash, but not sure how to read it. Any pointers on why this may be crashing? I may be new to Skyrim modding, but am an experienced mod user for Oblivion. What is baffling is the inconsistency - a repeatable crash leads to pointers for a cause, but this is just frustratingly random now. Help appreciated!

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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:42 pm

Is the game crashing at start up (when the game actually loads to the main menu) or when your trying to load a save? If it's the start up CTD the only thing I'm aware of that causes that is a missing master. Check all of your esp's by hovering the mouse over them and a window will pop up showing that mods install origin and then it's masters. I tend to run into this problem with SkyProc Patchers from time to time when messing with my load orders but they get a red "!" beside them when that's the case.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:49 am

Thanks for the reply charon. The game crashes on startup, before the Bethesda video (which I've disabled) and Skyrim logo.

No missing masters, and I always run BOSS on the load order before starting. And as the same load order would crash sometimes and not at others, this is not a missing master issue (else it would always crash!)

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Jenna Fields
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:00 am

Oh, I misread. So it does not always crash? Maybe a bad ini tweak?

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:29 am

After much testing, came to find out the culprit was enb v252. i am using only the enbpatcher (without the graphics component). removed the enb dll, and things are playing just fine!

This is for future reference in case others encounter the same issue.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:46 pm

When You do get Your Skyrim stable and running, ENBoost does allow the Game to separate V-Ram from the 3.1Gb memory limit Patch 1.9 chained Us to.

I spend around an Hour setting up the enblocal.ini to work properly, and I make a copy when experimenting with settings.

You are not the first Player to get headaches from using ENBoost. I dissassembled, cleaned, and reserviced My Water Cooling Loop because I thought pink and Black Textures were from My Card overheating. My problem was version 251 of ENB and a Beta hdtPysicsixtension.dll conflicting with each other :wallbash:

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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:59 am

Interesting. thanks for the insight BradleyH.

I use ENBoost with SMAA, and both come with a d3d9.dll file, so not sure which one to use... I earlier used the ENb file and it caused crashes. Now I use the SMAA file, and believe ENB is no longer active (even though I left the enblocal.ini file in the folder) as I don't get the ENB message on startup. And the crashing on startup issue has gone away.

Game runs fairly stable - just played for 2.5 hours straight the other day w/o any crashes, so I think I am good. Could you post your enblocal settings in case I want to try that out?

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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:38 pm

These are the lines I changed from the enblocal.ini from the 252 wrapper version,












I do not undo anything that seems to be working, and some of these are probably unecessary.

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Etta Hargrave
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