1. Walmart- I would have to wait a day or two after the game comes out to get it. Idk if some of you can live down that but i know i can't. Or you can PAY 1 day shipping which you requires you to fork over another 3 dollars or something. But considering i'm quite cheap i would/have never paid for 1 day shipping.
2. Steam- Steam is alright but honestly i would much rather have an actual copy of the game, i mean what if i lost my steam account or it got hacked. I think an actual copy of the game is much better then a download.
Because of this i think i would honestly end up getting it from gamestop or amazon because i can get it the day its released without paying extra. I would probably end up getting the gamestop one because i like the classic more then the tribal on amazon.
These are just my opinions but what would you guys do? Or are already doing?