People ran away in Fallout. Raiders ran away from me at times, or regular people, they took off. If you give the caves kind of objectives, or a reason for people to be in them, then no, not everyone would dog pile on top of you. You'd have people guarding the loot - at the ready. You'd have have a few guys roaming the halls and joining in when they see the kerfuffle. You'd have bandits strategically set to ambush as you walk through. Yeah, if you're in a field or something, they'll all attack, but in close quarters it doesn't always work that way. I don't think they should script enemies to be hiding behind doors necessarily, but certainly alert and expecting you to either come, or be killed by their friends. Once they have been alerted however, it should be much more difficult to clear than if you were sneaking or do something magic. What takes you out of it more? Somebody running for help, and getting a few buddies or going from section to section of cave dwelling encountering everyone unawares? I shouldn't be able to walk in and make a clamor only to find Chumly sleeping in the next room. If you want to go hardcoe warrior, that's the price you pay, and wouldn't you enjoy the challenge? FRESH COMPUTER MEAT!
Yes this is exactly what I am talking about!
Give stealth characters a chance to infiltrate and assassinate people who are gathering water or picking mushrooms and drag the bodies into the shadows, so that it actually means something to be quiet! Of course, depending on the aggressiveness of the NPC that sees you, he might run to get help, or just decide to take you himself... There already is an "aggressiveness function" to program around.
Besides... I hate it when people are just standing around wall-staring... if I was a full-warrior and I just brutally murdered 3 people in a room with a mace, I'd want them scrambling to form groups fearfully, setting traps... it just adds to the thrill! I'd want to be heard and reacted to!
It makes the game a lot more fun... this is the same reason I want NPCs to have different reactions to when you go invisible during a fight... some would be calm, probing with their sword. Others would be afraid, swinging their weapon wildly in circles, or just flat out running away! All with their own curse-word filled dialogues