I was going to make a 1984 joke about how they're lowering our Fluoride rations but I'm too tired to make it work.

Anyway this must be quite the shock to the conspiracy theorists that think there's a sinister motive behind fluoride in the water. Maybe they'll come up with something new, like how now that we have better teeth the government is taking them away from us as a form of socialism, or something.
Wrong! It's a ploy by toothpaste companies! You see, by lowering the fluoride in our water, our teeth will inevitably get worse and worse. In order to keep our teeth intact, we will have to brush, at first, a definite mandatory twice a day. Sooner or later, it'll become 3, 4, and so on! And by having to brush our teeth so often, we will be using more toothpaste, and thus, giving the evil toothpaste companies more money by buying more toothpaste!
Join Nurgle instead, you'll never need to brush your teeth once you join :chaos: