Game difficulty isn't the main issue that bothers me when it comes to the so-called dumbing-down of RPGs.
What bothers me more is a lack of content, depth, and freedom to go where you want, do what you want, and be who you want.
In general, making an RPG "more accessible", "simpler" or "more appealing to mainstream action game fans" are three things I don't want to hear.
No one is psychic, you pour your heart and soul into a game, make what -you- want into it and what -you- want people to see and experience and then throw it into the crowd, who picks it up picks it up, who doesn't doesnt.
those 3 terms simply scream 'for the money' which isnt a bad thing in itself, its trying to rationalize that descision with half arsed sympathetic phrases.
that said, its a new game lets see where it goes

I like Kerberos, Valve, Bioware and CD project because they made the game because -they- wanted to without significant influences or pressures, Bioware took a crap with DA2, understandable, EA is behind them who wouldn't but when I saw their confirmations about ME3, I freaking cried, they listened to the gripes for both games and said alright lets step back and get these right, not CUT them, theres nothing BUT improvements across the board to everything listed for ME3 thus far.
Valve is self explanatory.
CDproject even acknowledge there fans in the last set of vids they released prior to Witcher 2's release, a little snippet saying please don't pirate our games, we put alot of hard work into them for our fans, and they are going so far as to making every DLC free......I mean, you don't lose, you don't lose sentiments aside you DO NOT push audiences away with that kind of gesture.
Kerberos I doubt anyone here have heard of, but trust it they are just another example of an Iconic Game dev company. in every expansion pack they released for their primary game, it only added to the story, content and gameplay options possible, EVERYTHING was relevant, any and all bugs brought up were squashed within reason and they even should some heart to their Modding base as well and now a second interation of their game is coming out and it too is not just a rehash of the old title, its utterly and freaking new, no reskinnings or new paint, everything is utterly different and improved from the old game
Beth...Please kick ass....please...
sure Skyrim is frothing with new features, but there is just so much -LOOK YOU CAN DO THIS- and -LOOK AT THAT DO IT- leaving very little of anything up to the player to stumble across :confused: